Latest News

Jul 2024

2023 Fire statistics

The 2023 fire statistics are now available in Nunivaat. They provide information such as the material losses due to fires, the number of fire by village, the main use of buildings involved in a fire, the most common sources of ignition and the most common causes of fire. These statistics can be consulted in the data section under the Public Security/Fires. The annual update of this data is possible thanks to the collaboration of Departement of Civil Security.

Jun 2024

2023 Crime data

2023 Nunavik crime data is now available. It covers different aspects of criminality including crimes against the person, crimes against property, arrests and detentions, seizures, contraband, and police interventions by category and village. The data can be found in the data page under Public Security/Criminality.  The annual update of this data is possible thanks to the collaboration of the Nunavik Police Service (NPS).

Jun 2024

New Nunivaat Analytics

A new Nunivaat Analytics Bulletin has been added to the databank. Entitled "Housing needs in Nunavik: Portrait and Trends", the Bulletin presents a portrait of the housing needs and challenges in Nunavik, providing an up-to-date synthesis of the data and available knowledge on housing and living accommodations in the region. 

Mar 2024

Abandoned Mining Exploration sites

In the early 2000s, researchers at Laval University produced an exhaustive study aimed at drawing up an inventory of abandoned mining exploration sites in Nunavik, i.e. sites containing products that could represent a danger to the environment and human health, in order to lay the foundations for a priority clean-up operation. The inventory showed that there were some 595 abandoned sites at the time, 379 of which were known to the region's population. The research also revealed that two-thirds of all sites were located in the Labrador Trough. This research resulted in several documents. They can be consulted in the data section by selecting Mining Exploration Sites in the indicators drop-down menu.

Nunivaat Research Program
The Nunivaat Research Program is devoted to the development of knowledge through statistical tools and researches, in order to support public decision in Nunavik. It includes the design and the execution of special statistical surveys, and the preparation of statistical reports.
About the program

Nunivaat is a major initiative of the Louis-Edmond-Hamelin Chair affiliated with the University of the Arctic. The core financial contribution to the Nunivaat databank and the Nunivaat Research Program comes from the Kativik Regional Government.